May 1, 2012

Joshua Tree

I wanna run, I want to hide
I wanna tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I wanna reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face
I see the dust cloud disappear
Without a trace
I want to take shelter
From the poison rain
Where the streets have no name...

Jan 22, 2012

The Gurudwara

I am not a Sikh myself but every once in a while like to go to the local Gurudwara with a Sikh friend. He gets his brownie points and i get some unexplainable peace of mind and inexplicably delicious food (Langar)! It's something about these places of worship that makes things better than usual.

I have a fetish for feet and shoes, they say so much about a person! In Hindu cultures, it's customary to leave shoes outside places of prayer and worship in this case called the 'Darbar Sahib'. I was able to capture just two personalities before volunteers stacked the disarray of shoes back on racks neatly.

Head cover
Langar Food! yumm!

Jan 6, 2011

An Evening

My friends and I were on this photography spree this evening, i was showing them around and it wouldn't stop pouring that day. We had decided to keep just one camera and lens out of our bags to save the hassles. Although these images are from my camera i think Prashant took the first shot and i am still not sure who took this second one, me or him. Well, i like both of them as much! The first pictures is of the Maritime Museum's 'Star of India' ship that was all lit up and decorated for Christmas and stood out starkly against the beautiful blue skies. The second shot is of this little mom n pop store in Old Town are of San Diego that closes down early during non tourist season this time of the year. The stillness, the closed doors and windows, wet floors, the single weighing scale standing in that corner, the dim light against the dark of the night all together sang such a poetic story. It had to be captured!
Cheers Sprash! this is to you :)